Now come on!!! Dont tell me you NEVER feel that urge to hurl something at someone and that you are the kind who cruises through life with a smile plastered on your face! That you never feel like buttoxing your BEST friend's nose at times so badly that she just has to get a nose job done! That you never just call someone with an intention to touch a cool casual nerve and watch with relish and amusement the riot of colors and feelings that come across the line! That you are the kind who dosent in some level dread the day your best friend would get married....coz WHATEVER people may say about their changeless, eternal and evergreen friendships...something sure changes after marriage and I know this first hand so no kidding!
I mean, sometimes its just nice to be this mysterious person who glides along with an immaculate self control and always knows how to make an entrance in a gathering that make heads turn! The kind who knows that she wants a lake view room in the 72nd floor of the hotel and pre-books it months in advance. The kind whose mere glance can mean a thousand things and men are floored with just the prospect of trying to remove the layers of meaning in her words! And some times its kinda liberating to be the one who is clueless about stuff , falls flat on her face and mumbles for words in an opening speech, and just stumbles across success and is suddenly gobsmacked with a happiness you never knew you were capable of feeling!The kind who reads Sophie Kinsella's latest bombshell upto 2:00am in the night and when the alarm dosent go up in the morning wakes up causually at 10:30am when she should actually have been in office attending an important life changing "Call". And then frantically fabricates a story about how her neighbors dog bit her on the way to office and so speechless with pain was she that she was hardly able to string 2 words and convey her inability to attend office on time to a seriously concerned boss. (Of course she makes sure to confirm that the dog bit her in an unpublishable area!! Thats Important).
The kind who just made a meticulous budget plan and then to the incredulous shock of all concerned including herself, ends up purchasing a COMPLETELY unnecessary accessory simply because it looked so temptingly inviting in the racks and she COULDNT bear the thought of leaving it orphaned in the shop!
You could be a person who would just be talking with great vigor and intellectual snobbery the great achievements of Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, the complexity and psychological insight of an Ayn Rand book, the genius in a Kadri Gopalnath performance, the intricacy in a Tanjore painting and the divinity in a Tagore verse. And Bang! In the same breath, you could be talking about the release of Princess's Diaries III, the latest crush of James Mc Avoy, the reigning gossip on next door Padma aunty and her daughter's futile attempts to study medicine, win a "Tyre Race" with the colony kids gang and fight with the neighbors 7 year old son for eating your share of chocolate cake!
The beauty and menaninglessness of some of our actions are impressed upon us only when we also know the most meaningful parts of life is, and somehow this knowledge makes the meaningless things much more meaningful, giving an individual almost a surreal world to live in, from which she could either be pulled into despair or lifted into ecstasy . I mean, I have so often heard people say, wow - what woman of substance!!! - when they see a woman with a meaningful career and a serene smile on her face gliding past a crowd. Well - I have nothing against the institution of serenity, believe me, but the basic question is, if you have not been able to experience the depths of despair at some point, how can you appreciate the heights of ecstasy??? Like they say, the passion with which you love a friday evening is directly proportional to the hatred with which you face a Monday! The beauty is that we do not have to choose between these polar opposites because if there is something which excites interest in a character - its variety! If you are alone on a rainy Saturday evening with a Mills and Boon in hand, a documentary on carbon dating on the television and a friend online trying to decide a place to hang out during the evening - well.... - Will you be my friend???
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The Blue one is me and the pink one is my friend after her marriage! |
I mean, sometimes its just nice to be this mysterious person who glides along with an immaculate self control and always knows how to make an entrance in a gathering that make heads turn! The kind who knows that she wants a lake view room in the 72nd floor of the hotel and pre-books it months in advance. The kind whose mere glance can mean a thousand things and men are floored with just the prospect of trying to remove the layers of meaning in her words! And some times its kinda liberating to be the one who is clueless about stuff , falls flat on her face and mumbles for words in an opening speech, and just stumbles across success and is suddenly gobsmacked with a happiness you never knew you were capable of feeling!The kind who reads Sophie Kinsella's latest bombshell upto 2:00am in the night and when the alarm dosent go up in the morning wakes up causually at 10:30am when she should actually have been in office attending an important life changing "Call". And then frantically fabricates a story about how her neighbors dog bit her on the way to office and so speechless with pain was she that she was hardly able to string 2 words and convey her inability to attend office on time to a seriously concerned boss. (Of course she makes sure to confirm that the dog bit her in an unpublishable area!! Thats Important).
The kind who just made a meticulous budget plan and then to the incredulous shock of all concerned including herself, ends up purchasing a COMPLETELY unnecessary accessory simply because it looked so temptingly inviting in the racks and she COULDNT bear the thought of leaving it orphaned in the shop!
You could be a person who would just be talking with great vigor and intellectual snobbery the great achievements of Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, the complexity and psychological insight of an Ayn Rand book, the genius in a Kadri Gopalnath performance, the intricacy in a Tanjore painting and the divinity in a Tagore verse. And Bang! In the same breath, you could be talking about the release of Princess's Diaries III, the latest crush of James Mc Avoy, the reigning gossip on next door Padma aunty and her daughter's futile attempts to study medicine, win a "Tyre Race" with the colony kids gang and fight with the neighbors 7 year old son for eating your share of chocolate cake!
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If you dissected my thoughts at some point - it would look like this:-) |
The beauty and menaninglessness of some of our actions are impressed upon us only when we also know the most meaningful parts of life is, and somehow this knowledge makes the meaningless things much more meaningful, giving an individual almost a surreal world to live in, from which she could either be pulled into despair or lifted into ecstasy . I mean, I have so often heard people say, wow - what woman of substance!!! - when they see a woman with a meaningful career and a serene smile on her face gliding past a crowd. Well - I have nothing against the institution of serenity, believe me, but the basic question is, if you have not been able to experience the depths of despair at some point, how can you appreciate the heights of ecstasy??? Like they say, the passion with which you love a friday evening is directly proportional to the hatred with which you face a Monday! The beauty is that we do not have to choose between these polar opposites because if there is something which excites interest in a character - its variety! If you are alone on a rainy Saturday evening with a Mills and Boon in hand, a documentary on carbon dating on the television and a friend online trying to decide a place to hang out during the evening - well.... - Will you be my friend???