Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can you keep a secret???

I just read this book by Sophie Kinsella on a 6 hour journey from Genting to Singapore over the weekend and I have this mad and obsessive rush to spill out mine too!!! Dear friend/reader - beware - these secrets might not make a bestseller but they sure are some of the most sacred and close secrets and if you should happen to land on this page and read this - you are hereby bound by an eternal oath of secrecy!

Well - Iam a normal girl and have some small and big secrets - some of which I remember and smile to myself as I write this down.....and amazed at myself for taking this huuuuuge risk...I mean - what of my boss or someone concerned should chance upon this...Iam soooooo screwed - but its ok - whats life if not for a few risks- the risks are what make life worth living right? So here goes -

1) I have faked quite a few faints and illnesses and skived off work (almost once a fortnight)...and I manage to pull it off quite convincingly - I think I might start a profitable venture through a consultancy based on this expertise!
Hahahah- Thats ME - in case you are wondering:-)
2) I love wearing short skirts to sleep
2) Sometimes when Iam on call with friends...they might be going on about something and Iam only pretending to listen...iam actually busy watching a serial or reading a book - (some friends have detected this pattern and can catch me at it due to sheer experience like Suls! )
3) I thought love and relationships were only for "bad" people who did not listen to their parents till about 6 years ago.
4) I learnt about how people make babies in my 12th grade and a lot many things still puzzle me xtremly and though I pretend to understand...I don't get many A jokes in the first go!
Cute one right???

5) I have never gone through the torture of doing an upper lip simply because - its a TORTURE to get it done - i think its worse than a delivery and thats saying something!
6) I really like Justin Beiber(s) songs.
7) I have lost 3 mobiles till now - 2 in autos and 1 in Pizza hut! ( And I truly believed and believe to this day that the automan/pizza hut manager would find me and give it to me some day)
8) I failed in Maths in 5th standard! And got a belting from my dad for that - trust me - for the amount I cursed my maths teacher that day - iam surprised she didn't have an accident the next day! I expected her to come straight to me and say - Preethi - I am very sorry but the math paper was a mistake.......u have actually scored the highest!......

9) I dont like animation pictures! I feel they are stupid!I like fantasy and action movies and CANT understand HOW people can be interested in the life of a few drawings come to life!!!
10) My favourite book in the world is "Archie's comics" ...dont mistake me - all my friends know me as a voracious reader and maybe some other day I will tell you a list of all the books which have "moved" me and taught me a lesson! But now that iam on a roll and being honest - Archies it is.....and I want him...really want him to end up with Betty! and thats only after she gives him a good kick on his shin! and after he proposed to her a 50 times at least!
11) I think the person I love most in this world is my Father...after that my mother and brothers!
12) I think my parents love my brothers more than me....always....I dont know why...but I feel somewhere that if someday terrorists come home and ask for any 1 life....I would be the one easily to be killed....I know its stupid....but hey its a secret and I just had to spill it out!
13) I have wondered and been truly worried for some time that Iam a lesbian! I dont know WHY i had this doubt - maybe when I found emma watson SO VERY cute rather than admiring Cedric Diggory! (Hey its all cleared now and I am STRAIGHT without a doubt!)
14) I sometimes think iam an athiest....especially when I lost my mobiles and think that they have not yet been returned to me.....
15) I often have this recurring dream about me being dropped from a top floor and Iam falling falling...and then this super hero (Iam not sure if it is superman or Krishna in wings....) grabs me and helps me try on a parachute!
16) I also often dream of snakes (thankfully i wake up just before they bite me)...when I looked it up in the dream said its because I have hidden passion....well....ooooooooh!
17) There is a part of me which believes that I will get a letter from hogwarts and will be invited and i truly get nervous about the fact that I might be selected to be a slytherin!

18) I once spread a rumour about a girl in school that she had 2 boy friends.....and that she is trying for a third! (only because she stole my rabbit shaped shiny rubber and WOULDNT admit it!)
19) I had this majjjjor crush on this guy who was my first (kinda) boss only to find that he was already married with a KID!!

PHEW! That was too many confessions for one sitting!!!! My heart does feel kinda light after that!!! Guys Guys.......please remember your oath - SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I trust you and have your word of HONOR that you wont breathe a WORD!


  1. did u post the pics later?? i know i read this before... oops! din comment i know... my bad! but yup, love the pics babes...

  2. yes man...posted the pics later:-) Thot they added more colour to the blog:-) A leaf out of ur book:-)

  3. 1)Man u were really an innocent kid ;)

    2)Well i've not heard Justin Bieber .. But one thing I really don't get is why do so many people hate him ?#@%>#@>???

    3) Guess ur a God Loving atheist :D

  4. :-) !!! Agree; Agree and agree!
    PS - U shud listen to JB - he is not all that heateable!
